A film about a toxic relationship. An environmental message, but with a twist in the narrative and the aesthetic usually associated with these kinds of videos. A mix between a short, a music video and a fashion film, almost an anti-advertisement.
Main credits
Direction: Ferran Capo
Featuring: Marina
Produced by Respect Films
in collaboration with Intrusion Studio
Executive Producers: Margaux Moulet & Ferran Capo
Producer: Margaux Moulet
1st Ad: Gemma Sellarès
Voice Over: Jade De Robles
Direction of Photography: Michell Rivas Canals SVC
Focus Puller: Paula González
Gaffer: Pol Subirà
Spark: Markian Kazandjian
Art Director: Dominique Aizpurua
Art Assistant: Maria Concesa
Stylist: Otti Ramirez
MakeUp & Hair: Jesús Alameda
Color Grading: Lita Bosch
Digital FX: Martes Studio
Sound Design: SOSOSO
Edit & Titles: Ferran Capo
Special Thanks
Chu Uroz | Union Den Studio | Max Porta | Van Van Bar | Salvador Klarwein | Cyprein Clément-Delmas | 711 Rent | Mina Calle | Christian Häre | Joanne Mirallas
The following brands are the main polluters of plastic worldwide:
COCACOLA (Fanta, Sprite...)
PEPSICO (Doritos, Lay’s...)
NESTLÉ (Kit Kat, Nestea...)
MONDELEZ (Oreo, Cadbury, Lu...)
UNILEVER (Sunsilk, Persil, Cornetto...)
MARS (M&M’s, Snickers...)
P&G PROCTER & GAMBLE (Ariel, Tampax, Pantene...)
PHILIP MORRIS (Parliament, Marlboro...)
COLGATE PALMOLIVE (Colgate, Palmolive...)
Then we have the main producers of plastic, who are also the main contributors to climate change. These are companies like ExxonMobil and Dow Chemical, and state backed energy companies like Sinopec, Indorama Ventures, Saudi Aramco and many others.
Besides destroying our ecosystems, plastic films, especially those used for food packaging, contain additives that are heavily linked to the increase in miscarriages, and are one of the main reasons for the 50% decrease in fertility, experienced in the last decades.
This will continue to get worse.
The amount of plastic recycled worldwide amounts to less than 10%.
Only 3% of plastic film is recycled, although it represents nearly half of the total plastic produced for packaging.